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Is Preformed Thermoplastic Road Marking a Cost-Effective Solution?

Preformed thermoplastic road marking: durable, easy to apply, versatile colors & symbols. Cost-effective long-term solution with minimal maintenance needed.

Preformed Thermoplastic signs for an outdoor no smoking area

The Cost of Preformed Thermoplastic

You might have heard that preformed thermoplastic is one of the most popular cost-effective road marking applications available today. But how can you be sure? While the upfront costs of this road marking method might not be as budget-friendly as you might expect, it proves to be exceptionally cost-effective in the long term.

When considering ongoing maintenance and resistance to heavy use, preformed thermoplastic comes out on top. Below, we break down four benefits of this road marking method, helping you determine whether it's a cost-effective solution for you.

Preformed Thermoplastic signage for a no smoking area

No minimum temperature is required for preformed thermoplastic application

One of the significant differences between road line marking paint and preformed thermoplastic road line marking is that the latter doesn't need a minimum temperature for application. In the United Kingdom, temperatures often drop below 5 degrees during winter.

While road line marking paint can't be applied at temperatures below 10 degrees, the preformed thermoplastic application can be conducted at almost any temperature. This means no unhappy clients or missed deadlines – a definite win!

Furthermore, this type of material is ideal for cold climates as it enables continuous road line marking operations, which would be challenging to perform when temperatures fall below 10 degrees.

Preformed thermoplastic is easier to apply

Typically, special applicators and melters are used for applying road marking paint. However, with preformed thermoplastic line applications, no special equipment is needed, making the whole process much simpler and more straightforward – whether marking car parks or road surfaces.

Preformed thermoplastic markings could be an excellent choice for small business owners seeking durable and budget-friendly options. This method offers longevity and doesn't require expensive equipment for application.

Preformed thermoplastic comes in a wide range of colours and symbols

Unlike standard line marking colours, preformed thermoplastic is available in white, blue, red, green, yellow, and black. Additionally, you can choose from different speciality symbols that we provide – stop bars, letters, handicapped signs, and turning arrows.

Durability is the key

The most important benefit of preformed thermoplastic, which contributes significantly to its cost-effectiveness, is its durability. Standard paint needs to be repainted regularly, while preformed thermoplastic lasts up to 10 times longer.

When repainting regular lines, you have to invest money in stopping traffic and closing car parks. With preformed thermoplastic, you pay more upfront but save a lot of money in the long run, as there are no constant repainting jobs required.


Although line painting has its benefits, preformed thermoplastic provides a unique set of advantages. It doesn't require high temperatures for application or expensive equipment, offers more resistance to regular wear and tear, and provides an excellent return on investment. If this convinces you that preformed thermoplastic is a long-term cost-effective option, give us a call!

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